
Birthday (sur)prises

As usual I was spoiled rotten and I would like to thank my friends, my family, and my Pinterest wishlist for all these lovely gifts! Let's focus on some of the more design-oriented items I am now the proud owner of:

Only now am I realising that most of these things come from Anthropologie. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with that shop. I want everything they sell yet I'm often disappointed by the mad prices and the poor workmanship of their smaller items. This time around I'm quite happy with everything except maybe the push pins, one of them was broken when it got here and from the online review I've gathered that it wasn't an exception. Oh well, I love them anyway! Can't wait to find/make an inspiration board!!

And in case you were wondering, 28 isn't too old to be fond of bunnies. I checked. 

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