So in my last post I mentionned our lovely B&B and you got a glimpse of Boyfriend's full English, complete with birthday candle. Here are some more shots of our room:
While browsing the interwebs for a B&B I saw this room and was really taken with it, specially when I realised I had never actually slept in a four-poster bed. So there! Now I have! And let me tell you, it's just like sleeping in a normal bed. Well, maybe a little bit nicer...
We stayed in Windermere and although I realise now that it's one of the more touristy and less remote areas of the Lake District, you have to start somewhere! Next time we'll venture out further north into the more picturesque landscape. This time we stayed here, and it was very very nice.
I'm still not entirely sure how Flopsy came into our lives, but here he is in all his bunny glory!
Beatrix Potter "World", although sweet and everything, was a big disappointment for me. For some reason I had imagined a huge park with long walks and little animals hidden in the bushes. I think I may have just confused it with somewhere else. Although apparently you can visit Beatrix's house and that's supposed to be quite nice. I should have done my homework and researched the whole thing a bit more before we headed off! Anyway, it still made for a nice (15 minute) distraction. Specially the garden (which really is only the size of a garden).

As for the dioramas inside... most of them were nicely executed, some of them were slightly creepy... I'll let you decide!
The other thing I was looking forward to was having high tea at Beatrix Potter World, as they do a lot of advertising for it on the website and made it look pretty special. However, the cafe was a bit dark and miserable and not quite what I had in mind for my birthday tea, so we walked into town and found somewhere else. The thing about high tea (also a first for me!) is that there is absolutely no way you can eat it all and as someone who hates wasting food, that sort of kept me from enjoying it properly. Major existential problems, I know.
A friend of ours had recommended a walk around Tarn Hows, so we gave that a go despite the grey clouds and enjoyed it more than BP World. Just goes to show: I am a grown-up after all!!
Another place that didn't make us want to stay was the Drunken Duck. I may be getting this one confused with somewhere else too, but when I saw we were about to drive past and that it was lunchtime I suggested a stop as it sounded vaguely familiar and yummy. A glass of over-priced wine later, we left to look for somewhere a bit less fussy with more customer-friendly staff. The food which the other guests were eating looked nice but maybe not actually worth the amount they were being charged for it and although I like seriously good food (see our experience of the legendary PIG), I only like it when combined with a friendly atmosphere and a bit of fairy dust. To be fair though, the pub where we ended up, although cheap, was pretty rubbish!
So this was our first experience of the Lake District. Hopefully there will be more! And next time I will research every pub and restaurant very carefully before we leave home!
What a lovely B&B room! We went to the lake district a couple of years ago and loved it - especially tarn hows. We did Beatrix Potter's house rather than the world, it was nice but also a very short visit as it's tiny! X