
Weekend snapshots

I came back from Brittany with a nasty cold. 
I'm beginning to think weekends away do me more harm than good. 

What I really need is a very long weekend away. A couple of days with family, a few days in rural England, followed by a weekend in London...luckily, all this is happening at the end of the week! Yay! I can't wait!

In the meantime, here are few snapshots of some barely lukewarm moments spent in Brittany. In March. Never again.

I've pixel-o-matic'd my heart out, just because I felt like it. Also maybe because the light in Brittany at the beginning of May is like the light everywhere else: dullsville.


Except the photos of the beach. They never really need help.


  1. 1- trop fun le site de retouches de photos!!! :D
    2- aha, c'est un pélicanou au bord de la mer? ^_^

    1. Presque ! C'est un héron cendré ! Il apparaît souvent dans nos photos de voyage ce petit animal ;)

  2. Anonymous3/06/2013

    Elles sont trop belles tes photos ma p'tite carotte !!! tu me montreras comment on les retouche ? XOXOXO

  3. Anonymous3/06/2013

    Good pictures, love the ones of the sea, hanging on the wall they would make peaceful pictures to look at. Sounds as if it was chilly, hope your cold is better now.
